
Is it a good idea steam for brewery hot liquor tank? Just water inside, electric heating element is more efficient?

  • Mar 28, 2022
  • 104
  • tiantai
For starting a brewery, many brewers are not sure which heating method need to choose for their brewing system. It may has difficulty to make decision when buy brewery equipment.
As we know, there are the three main heating methods for a brewhouse, electric, steam or direct fire.

Is it a good idea steam for brewery hot liquor tank? Just water inside, electric heating element is more efficient (fast)? It is a vital part of what you need to start a brewery.

With steam heating, it mainly is good for producing better quality beer, so it is important for brewhouse tanks heating, for example MLT + KWT.
For hot liquor tank heating, it is OK either steam heating or electric heating. There no difference.
But steam heating needs a steam generator, which is able to support hot liquor tank heating as well. So if you have the plan to choose steam heating for brewery, it also is better to choose steam heating for hot liquor tank.
What about heating efficiency of steam or electric in a brewery?

With steam heating, we can rise the temperature to 1 -1.5℃/min. The heating efficiency is high.
For electric, if we want to can get same heating efficiency with steam heating. The needed power consumption is relatively high. It is difficult to meet such high demands in some building.
What is the specific pros and cons of 3 heating method for brewery?

Steam _ Steam works great for most people who need control and scale. The only real downside here is the cost and the safety training involved. So, if these factors aren’t going to be a problem for you, then steam is the best choice to start a brewery.
Direct Heat _ Direct Heat has some positives even if there are a few drawbacks. In all, this method is going to work for most people on a medium scale or with a lower budget.
Electric _ This method is mainly only recommended for smaller brewhouse where the others aren’t an option due to power limitations etc. However, with some care, it can still work. There are just a lot more downsides involved. For example, there have a risk to scorch the wort due to over heating.
However, if you’re still a little unsure what is the best for your brewery equipment, you can contact me to get a specific solution.
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Tags : brewery equipment heating    how to choose brewery equipment   
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