

  • Oct 21, 2021
  • 181
  • tiantai
As the craft beer movement continues to grow, more and more people are looking into starting a brewery and the logistics involved. It’s an exciting time to be making beer! We love seeing the passion continuing to grow in this industry. Innovation is alive and well and new ideas and concepts are emerging all the time.
We get a wide variety of people approach us wanting help designing, building, and sometimes installing their brewery. Some of our clients are experts in beer creation – they’ve been experimenting for years and are across the recipes they want to use – they just need help sourcing the best quality brewing equipment and peripheral components.
Others need a more consultative approach – with assistance from the beginning, in brewery sizing, layout and design – right through to installation. We can provide a service to meet your needs – whatever they may be. Here is what we have to offer in the steps to starting a brewery. We would be honoured to be part of your journey!
This is the part where we get a rough idea of where your 
equipment and vessels will fit into the space. The right layout can make a huge difference – to your efficiency, the quality of your beer and the vibe of your venue. There are lots of things we take into account when designing your brewery layout. Our priorities are:
There are so many measures we can put in place to reduce costs in the design of your brewhouse. This is a major benefit of a carefully-planned brewery design and process management. We can implement small things along the way that will have a cumulative effect on cost-reduction over time.
These are some of our methods:
design a layout which flows with the brewing process to increase efficiency and avoid redundant tasks and movements
utilize your vertical space by stretchy vessels out to maximize your brewery floor for either better flow or easier expansion
plan for additional space ahead of time – this will preemptively save costs of having to redesign equipment layout later.
by placing the conditioning tanks as near to the bar area as possible, less money will be spent on beer line cooling and insulation

If you take steps to ensure your facility is clean and the brewery equipment is designed to be cleaned quickly, easily, and effectively, you will be free of contamination – ultimately saving you time and money. It will also ensure product quality.
When we are in the planning stages of your brewery design layout, we will build in easy cleaning design aspects ahead of time. We will also consider the most efficient placement of equipment in each room and the best methods of cleaning pipes and interior of tanks.
Your brewery layout can play a pivotal role in saving energy costs. For example:
Shortening the distances between steps means a decrease in the amount of required pumping. Less pumping, requires less energy!
Building in heat recovery systems for reuse of heat within your floor plan.
Placing utilities near vessels to reduce piping runs and possible energy loss.
These are just some of the steps we can take to conserve energy. When we have our consultation with you, we will take your individual circumstances and energy goals into account.
Over time, the tourism aspect of a brewhouse has become a major factor. Believe it or not, it can sometimes be as important as the quality of the beer! This has meant aesthetics have become increasingly important to brewers, with production facilities simultaneously acting as tourist attractions. Something we take into account during this process is brand image. Craft brewers are particularly focused on this – and they want their identity to be represented in the building around them. This means we need to balance aesthetic design while meeting the needs of daily operational activity. Things like flooring materials can make all the difference. We aim to choose materials that will support the challenges of making beer, while maintaining a pleasing, on-brand appearance.

Sales Manager
[email protected]
Tiantai Beer Equipment

Tags : brewery    brewhouse   
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