Hop Stand in Micro Brewery
- Nov 18, 2022
- 97
- tiantai
Hop Stand is also named as Whirlpool Hops, which comes from home brewery. In home brewery, the best way to bring enough hop flavor and aroma to beer is adding hops at flameout and give extended contact time with hot wort before chilling. Now, this way also becomes popular in micro brewery to create hoppy beer. The brewer would reduce wort temperature from boiling to around 80℃ before adding hops. At a lower temperature, the hop utilization will be lower, which means fewer alpha acids are isomerised. In essence, you are extracting more aroma and less bitterness from the hops at lower temperatures.
How to reduce wort temperature from boiling to hop stand temperature when designing brewery equipment? There are usually 3 ways for your choice.
First way is most affordable. We do not need to add any extra auxiliary machine. After boiling, the wort would flow into existing plate heat exchanger(please refer to following picture), then be cooled to around 80℃, then flow back to Brew Kettle or Whirlpool tun.
But plate heat exchanger is usually designed as 2 stages with city water and glycol tank or 1 stage with cold water. It is not necessary to consume glycol water or cold water if the wort only needs to be cooled to 80℃.

Second way is most professional, which is more common is bigger brewery. One tube heat exchanger(please refer to following picture) is added for cooling wort to 80℃. In this case, the cold medium can be city water, very handy and cost-saving in the long run.

Third way is fabricating cooling jacket on Brew Kettle or Whirlpool tun. It is not very common in brewery.
Hopefully you have got some good ideas from our sharing. Surely, if you have better suggestions, feel free to share with us as well. We are open to receive more great ideas. :)
Vicky Shao
Email: [email protected]
Sales manager in Tiantai Beer Equipment Co
How to reduce wort temperature from boiling to hop stand temperature when designing brewery equipment? There are usually 3 ways for your choice.
First way is most affordable. We do not need to add any extra auxiliary machine. After boiling, the wort would flow into existing plate heat exchanger(please refer to following picture), then be cooled to around 80℃, then flow back to Brew Kettle or Whirlpool tun.
But plate heat exchanger is usually designed as 2 stages with city water and glycol tank or 1 stage with cold water. It is not necessary to consume glycol water or cold water if the wort only needs to be cooled to 80℃.

Second way is most professional, which is more common is bigger brewery. One tube heat exchanger(please refer to following picture) is added for cooling wort to 80℃. In this case, the cold medium can be city water, very handy and cost-saving in the long run.

Third way is fabricating cooling jacket on Brew Kettle or Whirlpool tun. It is not very common in brewery.
Hopefully you have got some good ideas from our sharing. Surely, if you have better suggestions, feel free to share with us as well. We are open to receive more great ideas. :)
Vicky Shao
Email: [email protected]
Sales manager in Tiantai Beer Equipment Co