
How Carlsberg flask works

  • Aug 16, 2017
  • 173
  • beer
How Carlsberg flask works

1.Construction of Carlsberg flask
The Carlsberg Flask consists of a cylindrical tank with breathing filters, a sterilization sample valve for aeration and Inoculation port for aseptic introduction of pure yeast culture.

Carlsberg flask

2.Operating principle of Carlsberg flask
Firstly, fill the flask with wort to 50%- 80% of the total volume, then heat and boil the flask&wort together for sterilization. After that, place the flask in a refrigerator or a cold room in order to cool the wort to the desired inoculation temperature. Then, connect sterilization sample valve with aeration unit for cold wort aeration. Then 150-200 ml yeast culture can be transferred to the flask through inoculator. When the culture has been transferred, press the sterilization air to flask bottom for facilitating yeast propagation. If the yeast amount reaches the needs, transfer the yeast to Hansen flask.

After using Carlsberg flask, it is necessary to take apart and clean manually. And, you had better to check whether the filtering is clean and intact or not before next using.

Edited by Vicky
Email: [email protected] 
Tags : yeast propagation tank    yeast propagation equipment   
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