How to choose suitable soaking barely method?
- Sep 29, 2018
- 124
- tiantai
How to choose suitable soaking barely method?
It can be decided as following situation to choose suitable soaking barely method.
1.If the climate; water temperature is lower, further in the case of without temperature adjusting device, it is OK to choose delay soaking time of water immersion method. Then increase barely layer temperature by itself breath and make it germination at suitable temperature. Also it is OK to choose sparging method, but the time need shorter.
2.If the climate; water temperature is higher, further in the case of without temperature adjusting device, it normally adopt immersion method ( 4-2, 3-6), which can release barely breath stronger and result in CO2; heat accumulation, thus shortage immersion time. It also can choose sparging method and with good efficient to save water.
3.If with water adjusting device also can chose immersion method, but need to notice longer stop immersion method when temperature is lower. When temperature is higher, the time can longer.
4.If the barely skin is thin, full grain, endosperm section loosen, good germination, we can choose longer stopping immersion time. It also will be better to choose sparging method.
5.If the barely skin is thicker, much plasmid, slower absorption speed, we can choose longer immersion method, which can assure reach required degree and assure dissolve well.
Edited by Derrick
Sales Manager in Tiantai Company
Email:[email protected]

It can be decided as following situation to choose suitable soaking barely method.
1.If the climate; water temperature is lower, further in the case of without temperature adjusting device, it is OK to choose delay soaking time of water immersion method. Then increase barely layer temperature by itself breath and make it germination at suitable temperature. Also it is OK to choose sparging method, but the time need shorter.
2.If the climate; water temperature is higher, further in the case of without temperature adjusting device, it normally adopt immersion method ( 4-2, 3-6), which can release barely breath stronger and result in CO2; heat accumulation, thus shortage immersion time. It also can choose sparging method and with good efficient to save water.
3.If with water adjusting device also can chose immersion method, but need to notice longer stop immersion method when temperature is lower. When temperature is higher, the time can longer.
4.If the barely skin is thin, full grain, endosperm section loosen, good germination, we can choose longer stopping immersion time. It also will be better to choose sparging method.
5.If the barely skin is thicker, much plasmid, slower absorption speed, we can choose longer immersion method, which can assure reach required degree and assure dissolve well.
Edited by Derrick
Sales Manager in Tiantai Company
Email:[email protected]