
Is Brewing Beer Worth My Time?

  • Sep 18, 2021
  • 191
  • tiantai
Once you have begun making your own beer, you can begin to get into the habit of always having beer in the process of being made.
The most time-consuming part is the fermenting of the beer which takes several weeks depending on the type of beer you are brewing.
Then follows another few weeks after you have bottled your beer to make sure the beer is properly conditioned.
The actual preparing and mixing of ingredients only takes a couple of hours but can take a bit longer depending on how advanced your formula is.
Now is it worth your time?
That entirely depends on your interest in the craft and whether or not you have a few hours free every 4 or so weeks. If you have the time to spare and like the feeling of creating your own beer, then homebrewing is definitely for you!

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