
Should we equip carbonation stone for the beer fermenter?

  • Dec 29, 2016
  • 192
  • beer
Should we equip carbonation stone for the beer fermenter?

As we all know, the beer fermenters also called primary femrneters, as it can be used for both fermenting and maturing. Many customers especially those who just started their brewing business, prefer to use same beer fermenting tank for fermenting and lagering which will saves them some money.

So the question is: Shoud we equip carbonation stone for the fermenters?

Of course the beer fermenters can be added with carbonated port if you do not have bright beer tanks, just mean fermenting and maturing will share a same tank, the fermenter now was called Unitank.

Tiantai standard beer fermenters without carbonation port, Because when the primary fermentation is over, there may be still some yeast adhere to the carbonation stone after discharging. Then the beer quality may be effected (Tastes have the flavor of yeast). But some brewmasters do not think it’s a problem.

So if you prefer, we also can added carbonation port and stone for you accordingly. We will use tri-clamp instead of screw union. It is 100% sanitary which will not hide fungus. What’s more, it can be disassembled outside of the tank and easily for cleaning.

Welcome to visit our....for more detailed information.

Edited by Laura
Sales Manager in Tiantai Company
Email: [email protected]

beer fermenter

Tags : fermenter    fermentation tank   
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