Micro Brewery Equipment

30 HL Micro brewery equipment

  • Mar 23, 2030
  • 115
  • tiantai
Making a microbrewery of 30 HL

Brief introduction

Microbrewery is typically applied to breweries that are much smaller than large-scale corporate breweries and are independently owned, but larger than breweries for restaurant, bars etc., as it distributes beer to local restaurants and bars, parties etc. To run a microbrewery and get suitable margin from this kind of business model, we suggest to start from 1000L/brew capacity minimum that concerning both the budget limitation and expanding capacity in future. Also 20 HL-30 HL beer equipment are common to see for a little larger business.
The turnkey microbrewery is more professionally functional and concerns more details to brew in a more smart way, trying to decreasing the factors that may affect the brewing speed or beer flavors.

Most basic brewing process for a microbrewery:
Milling, mashing, lautering, boiling, whirlpool, fermentation, maturing, cooling, temperature controlling, cleaning, beer filling

 30 HL Micro brewery equipment

Quick overview of making a 30 HL microbrewery 
Output/Brew 3000L
Brew/day 2-3
Output/Week 4000-30000L/week based on different configuration
Electric Supply 3phase/380(220, 415,440…)v/50 (60)Hz
Heating Source Steam (Optional Direct fire/electric)
Area Request >200M2
Brewmaster 1
Mashing method Decoction,infusion,multi-step infusion
Note: 1hl=100liter; 1Gallon=3.7854liter; 1Barrel (BBL) =117Liter;

Main configuration of 30 HL microbrewery

Main brewing system Components Main specification

Brewhouse unit
Mash tun              
30 HL
25% head space,
Steam heating with insulation
Wort agitator&motor,
Lauter tun 30 HL
25% head space,
False bottom,
Spent grain outlet
CIP, sight glass.
Kettle/Whirlpool tun 30 HL
30% head space,
Steam heating with insulation
Steam condenser,
Wort outlet and trub outlet,
Tangential inlet.
Hot Liquor Tank
30 HL
15% head space,
Steam heating with insulation
Level gauge
Hot water recycling port
Wort pump 10T/hr, Sanitary
Mash pump 10T/hr, Sanitary
Hot liquor pump 10T/hr, Sanitary
Plate heat exchanger 30m2
Two stages
Connected with wort aeration device
Work platform Disassemble,
Wort grant
Pneumatic valve
Wort flow meter
Sterile air compressor

Fermentation unit
Fermentation tank
30 HL/60 HL
25% head space,
Jacketed and insulated
Conical bottom,
Pressure valve, relief valve
CO2 relief valve
Coolant inlet and outlet
Sample valve
Side manway
Top, Dry Hopping Port
CIP connections
Wort inlet and yeast outlet
Racking arm
Temperature and pressure gauges

Maturation/Storage (OPTIONL)
Bright beer tank 30 HL/60 HL
20% head space,
Jacketed and insulated
Dished head&bottom
Pressure valve, relief valve
Site Glass level
Carbonation stone assembly
Sample valve
Side manway
Fill/drainage port
CIP connections
Temperature and pressure gauges
Jacketed and single wall tanks

Glycol cooling system
Glycol cooling tank Thermowell
Top manway
CIP arm and spray ball 360 degree of coverage
Cold liquor tank (OPTIONAL)
Top manway
CIP arm and spray ball 360 degree of coverage
Visual level sight glass
Cooling jackets
Chiller Second generation
Freon R410A, R404A
Glycol water pump and piping  

Controlling unit
Brewhouse control panel
Temperature monitoring& controlling
Pump on/off control
VFD control
Cellar control panel Temperature monitoring& controlling
More controllers reversing for expansion available

Cleaning unit
Alkali tank 300L Steam heating
Sterile tank 300L
Pump and piping  

Optional items: Beer filter, Keg filling system, Bottle filling system
Steam boiler, Water filter, Kegs, Malt transfer (grain auger)
Customized requirement acceptable

Contact us immediately to get latest specification and 
microbrewery cost of 30 HL.
Tags : microbrewery cost    making a microbrewery   
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