
What is advantage of wet crushing during craft beer brewing

  • Jun 05, 2023
  • 134
  • tiantai
Wet milling is a technique used in craft beer brewing where the malted grains are soaked in water before being crushed. This process offers several advantages
1. Improved husk integrity. 
Wet milling helps maintain the integrity of the grain husks, which act as a natural filter bed during lautering and sparging. Intact husks facilitate better separation of the liquid wort from the solid grain material, resulting in a clearer and cleaner wort.
2. Enhanced enzymatic activity. 
By soaking the grains in water, wet milling activates enzymes present in the malt, such as amylases and proteases, more effectively. These enzymes play a crucial role in converting starches into fermentable sugars and breaking down proteins. The increased enzymatic activity leads to a higher yield of fermentable sugars, promoting better fermentation and potentially improving the beer's flavor profile.
wet crushing line 
3. Increased extract efficiency. 
Wet milling can help increase the overall extract efficiency during mashing. The combination of improved husk integrity and enhanced enzymatic activity can lead to better starch conversion and sugar extraction from the grains. This means that a higher percentage of the available sugars in the malted grains is captured in the wort, maximizing the brewer's raw material utilization.
4. Reduced oxygen exposure. 
Wet milling can help minimize the exposure of the malted grains to oxygen. Oxygen can negatively affect beer quality by contributing to oxidation and off-flavors. By milling the grains in a wet state, the oxygen exposure is reduced, preserving the freshness and flavor stability of the resulting beer.
5. Improved lautering and runoff. 
The intact grain husks obtained through wet milling create a more porous grain bed during lautering and sparging. This promotes better flow of the liquid wort through the grain bed, reducing the likelihood of stuck mashes or slow runoff. It can enhance the overall efficiency of the lautering process and save time during the brewing process.
While wet milling offers these advantages, it's worth noting that it will take extra wet miller, gravity stone remover and other auxiliary equipment, which will increase total cost of beer brewery equipment. Welcome to email me by [email protected] to get a quote for complete beer brewing equipment including wet milling line. Hope to discuss further with you. Cheers!
Contact Nicole | Sales manager
Email: [email protected]

Tags : wet crushing line    Wet miller   
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