
How to use a centrifuge to increase production and reduce wine loss in brewery?

  • Jul 08, 2022
  • 137
  • tiantai
How to use a centrifuge to recover part of the wort and beer, increase production and reduce wine loss.
In practical applications, the centrifuge can be used in the following three parts:
1. How much wort can be recovered by separating the hot coagulate from the hot wort?
Answer: 1T wort produces about 20 kg of hot coagulation, and the hot coagulation contains 80% of the wort, and the recovery ratio can be 50%. So 1T wort can recycle about 8L wort
However, in actual production, if it is continuous production, this part of the thermal coagulation can be used for the next batch of mashing, without centrifugation.
2. How much beer can be recovered from the residual yeast and the bottom of the tank
Answer: 1000L fermentation broth can recover 20L yeast mud, which contains 80% beer, and the recovery ratio can be 50%. So 1T fermentation tank can recycle 8L beer

3. How much wort can be recovered from the wort separation
Answer: Residual wort cannot be separated by centrifuge. The grains of the grains are too large, and the centrifuge will be blocked if they cannot be separated.
Water squeezer/dehydrator can be used, the wort contains 80% of the wort, and the recovery ratio of the water squeezer is 30%-40%.
4. What is the general beer loss of the centrifuge
A: The wine loss of the centrifuge is not fixed and depends on the turbidity required by the customer. The lower the required turbidity, the greater the beer loss.
Edited by Alisa
Email:[email protected]

Tags : beer    brewery   
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