
What should I do if mash sticks to bottom of brewery equipment

  • Apr 07, 2023
  • 196
  • tiantai
As we all know, if the mash is too thick, it is likely to stick to the mash tun bottom of your brewery equipment. That may affect the heat exchange of steam jacket, and resulting in slower heating speed. When we meet such problem during brewing, there are generally several common methods could be done as below:

(1) Turning down the steam inlet valve, stopping stirring and paddling pot bottom with blunt tools, such as wooden spade, bamboo chip etc. Depicting some heating area firstly and then turning on the agitator or grain rake that could do a fast stirring. Then turning up the steam valve.
(2) If the gelatinization mash temperature is very close to the boiling temperature, it is available to add some hot water in ( exceed 90℃), turn down the steam valve, turning up the stirring speed and pumping to combine with mash after keeping temperature for 5~10min.
(3) If the temperature cannot be raised, some Alpha-amylase preparation should be added except depicting some heating area at bottom, it will help to enhance the liquidation and better avoid sticking to the pot bottom again.
(4) After the mash combined together, all of the bonding things should be removed totally and cleaning the cereal cooler with a smoothly surface.
Wanna know more information on how to do beer brewing with your brewery equipment? Please feel free to contact with us _ Tiantai Beer Equipment!
Laura Hou
Sales manager
Tiantai Beer Equipment

[email protected] 

Tags : brewery equipment    beer brewing   
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