
What is the importance for the brewery wort boiling in brewing process?

  • Mar 22, 2022
  • 183
  • tiantai
As you know,Wort boiling is a necessary part of beer brewing, and a series of changes will occur during the process, which has an important impact on the brewing process.
1). Helps in the dissolution and transformation of hop components, as well as the formation and separation of protein-polyphenol complexes.The polyphenols in hops and malt are completely dissolved in the wort and bound to proteins.
2).Kills microorganisms in wort
Wort is essentially a nutrient-rich sugar liquid, which is an ideal environment for microorganisms to survive, which can cause the beer to deteriorate and affect the flavor.
4)Destroy enzymes in wort
Boiling will end the mashing process that converts starch into sugar. It may be said that the most important function of boiling wort is to inhibit the activity of residual enzymes after the mashing process. Inhibiting the activity of the enzyme maintains the desired sugar/mash ratio. If the enzyme-catalyzed process continues, it will produce a "thin" beer that tastes bad.
5). Evaporate the water, make the sugar content reach the ideal range, and improve the color of the wort10% to 15% wort evaporation has long been the hallmark of a quality kettle.
6). Promote the formation of partially reducing substances
During the boiling of wort, reducing substances such as melanoids are formed that can combine with the oxygen in the wort.
7) . Reduce the content of some substances that are not conducive to beer flavor, such as dimethyl sulfide (DMS),DMS is a volatile sulfur-containing compound with an unpleasant odor and taste that affects the taste and flavor of beer. At the boiling temperature, the half-life of the DMS precursor SMM is about 40 minutes, and the dimethyl sulfide precursor can be decomposed into free dimethyl sulfide during the boiling process, which is dissipated with the evaporation of water.
Edited by Alisa
Email:[email protected]

Tags : brewery    wort boiling   
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