
The principle for the wort going into the fermenters

  • Jul 28, 2017
  • 65
  • beer
The principle for the wort going into the fermenters

We all know that if the fermentation tanks with much bigger capacity than the brewhouse, it will need several batches of wort for full filling one tank, so the wort will goes into the fermenter in separated batches, generally the full filling time better controlled within 20h.

After the wort goes into the fermenter, the temperature inside will be raised for the energy caused by yeast propagation. So the wort cooling should follows the principle of high-low, and finally reached the requested full filled temperature. Generally the full filled temperature of wort is 2 Celsius lower than the main fermentation stage. The temperature of the full filled wort will directly influenced the speed of yeast propagation, Hypoglycemic speed, fermentation cycle etc.

The lower temperature will cause a slow propagation speed and not good for a fast fermentation; the higher temperature will cause a much quicker propagation speed and quicker hypoglycemic speed, the yeast may without enough nutrition which will cause a lower metabolism. It may influence the production of CO2 when the tank is closed and influence the beer flavor.

Edited by Laura
Sales Manager in Tiantai Company
Email: [email protected]

stainless steel fermenter

Tags : cylindro conical fermenter    30 barrel fermenter   
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